3 reason why Bitcoin will break the $10500 resistance very soon!


I have more then 3 reasons but there is some important.


BTC Balance on Exchanges just reached a 1-year low of 2,622,984.499 BTC Previous 1-year low of 2,623,005.552 BTC was observed on 19 June 2020.


Grayscale Is Now Buying 1.5 Times the Amount of Bitcoin Being Mined

Crypto fund manager Grayscale Investments is accumulating Bitcoin at a rate equivalent to 150% of the new coins created by miners since the May 11 block reward halving.

According to data published by independent crypto researcher Kevin Rooke, Grayscale has added 18,910 BTC to its Bitcoin Investment Trust since the halving, while only 12,337 Bitcoins have been mined since May 11.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao reposted the chart, commenting: "There isn't enough new supply to go around, even for just one guy".


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