The low volatility and oversold levels will trigger the upcoming upside breakout!


It is a fact that the low volatility and oversold levels of Bitcoin are indicators of a big break to the upside. These technical signals, along with other favorable market conditions, make it clear that a significant price increase is imminent.

Low volatility means that the price of an asset is relatively stable and is not experiencing significant fluctuations. This can be a sign of increased investor confidence and a build-up of demand, which can ultimately drive the price up. On the other hand, oversold levels occur when the price of an asset has been declining for an extended period of time and may be due for a rebound. This can be an indication that the market is primed for a significant price increase.

In addition to these technical signals, there are other favourable market conditions that suggest a big move to the upside is on the horizon. For example, the increasing adoption of Bitcoin by mainstream investors and the current state of the global economy, with its uncertainty surrounding traditional financial markets, may be driving more people to seek out alternative investments like Bitcoin. This increased demand will fuel the price increase.
 On the chart below you can see the Bitcoin price, and the "Historic Volatility Index"

Low volatility and the price being below the 200-week moving average ( Blue line) are both indicators that could signal an upside move for Bitcoin. Let's explore why these technical signals might suggest that a price increase is on the horizon.

The 200-week moving average is a long-term trend indicator that is calculated by taking the average of an asset's price over the past 200 weeks (or approximately four years). When the price of an asset is below its 200-week moving average, it can be a sign that the asset is undervalued and may be due for a price increase.

Now, let's discuss how these technical signals could indicate an upside move for Bitcoin. As mentioned earlier, low volatility can be a sign of increased investor confidence and a build-up of demand, which can drive the price up. Similarly, the price being below the 200-week moving average could indicate that the asset is undervalued and may be due for a price increase. When these two indicators are combined, it could suggest that the market is primed for a significant price increase. I expect Bitcoin to make a move relatively soon, and starting a multi-month uptrend! I DO NOT expect to reach all time highs this year, however, some important levels between $30k - $40k could be tested at some point. 

              Evolution of money 

Bitcoin's strong underlying technology is one of the main reasons why it has this much value! Bitcoin was designed to be a decentralized, secure, and transparent digital currency, and it has largely succeeded in fulfilling these goals. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin means that it is not controlled by any central authority, such as a government or financial institution. This makes it resistant to censorship and interference, and gives users more control over their own assets.

The blockchain technology that powers Bitcoin is another key aspect of its strength. The blockchain is a distributed ledger that records all Bitcoin transactions and is secured using advanced cryptographic techniques. This makes it almost impossible to hack or tamper with the transaction data, which helps to ensure the integrity of the network. In addition, the blockchain is transparent, which means that anyone can view the transaction history on the network. This helps to promote trust and accountability, as all transactions are recorded and visible to the public.

The robustness of Bitcoin's technology, combined with the increasing adoption of the cryptocurrency by mainstream investors and businesses, makes it a compelling investment opportunity. As more and more people become aware of the benefits of Bitcoin and begin to use it as a means of exchange and store of value, the demand for the cryptocurrency could increase, which could drive up the price.

Overall, the strong technology that underpins Bitcoin is a key factor that could contribute to a price increase in the future. Investors should consider this and other factors, such as market demand and economic conditions, as they assess the potential of Bitcoin as an investment opportunity.

Hey there! Just a quick heads up, the information on this page is for informational purposes only and shouldn't be taken as professional investment advice. I'm not a financial expert and anything I share, like opinions, ideas, theories, charts, technical analysis, news, and price predictions, is just my personal take on things. I can't be held responsible for any investment decisions you make based on the information here. It's important for you to do your own research and think carefully about your investments. Everything on my website and Telegram channel is 100% free and always will be. 
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